Sunday, July 31, 2016

Happy Anniversary, Cancer

It was a year ago tonight - Friday, July 31, 2015 - that I was told I had cancer. I didn't understand what the doctor was saying - she'd come into my small, curtained recovery stall after the D&C which was just supposed to stop excessive bleeding. I remember she said something like, "We found sarcoma. There was a lot of white stuff." I think I asked what she meant and she probably said "Cancer." She said they were moving up my planned hysterectomy from a month out to a couple of days.
At the same time, I found out later, the surgeon - gynecological oncologist Dr T - was telling my husband the same thing in the waiting room. Dr T told him it was bad, serious.
I stayed in recovery for awhile, then they moved me upstairs to a regular hospital room. I think it was in the women's wing, the labor and delivery section. This was just temporary - I think they were trying to decide when to do surgery. The nurses said I might stay overnight.
In the end they let me go home, with a surgery date of Tuesday, August 4.