Others' Goodbyes

For about 8 months I've been reading the farewell columns or posts from others who have cancer and have been told they are terminal, with not much time left. I also read  obituaries of those who have publicly battled their cancer and lost.
I'm going to start linking to them on this page. It may seem ghoulish, but it's somewhat comforting for me to read how others are dealing with their last days. I admire their courage in sharing their stories.
I am not, at this writing, considered terminal. I've had two clear CT scans since the end of chemo. I've been told if I make it through another two years then I should be able to push this all to the back of my mind. As of now, though, it's still in the front, still coloring my vision of life.
This is a memorial page to those who don't have the time left to wonder about their future.
Paul Kalanithi, neurosurgeon, author of When Breath Becomes Air. His obituary is here. He died at age 37 of lung cancer, March 2015.
Alison Piepmeier, professor and writer. Her final column in the Charleston City Paper. Her blog is here. Her obituary is here. She died of brain cancer at age 43, August 2016.
Max Ritvo, poet, student. Died August 2016 at age 25 from Ewing's sarcoma. His book of poems will be published in the autumn of 2016. His website is here.
Sam Day, who lived in the Portland metro area, also died of Ewing's sarcoma in August 2016. He was 15, and would have been a freshman in high school.

Updated August 30, 2016

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